Project Consulting Team

We are passionate about our projects and always strive to deliver outstanding results. We operate under a social license and, as such, we understand our responsibility to generate value by driving a tangible vision that stands the test of time. Our project team has previously worked together on a number of successful projects.

Project Design/Lead Consultant

The prime consultant is Pheidias Project Management Corp., the lead company of the Pheidias Group. The company has been in operation since 1976 and together with Oberti Resort Design has pioneered a number of award-winning concepts in resort design. Pheidias is working in cooperation with the Simpcw First Nation on whose traditional lands the project resides.

Engineering & Specialist Consulting

Lead project Engineers are McElhanney Consultants and Golder Associates, two leading and international engineering firms. Avalanche Consulting is by Dynamic Avalanche Consulting, the most reputable experts in Canada. Advanced, tertiary wastewater treatment is by Ecofluid and financial auditing is by Ersnt & Young. Legal services are by Gowlings.


Environmental consulting is by Enkon Environmental and Estsek Environmental, a Simpcw Resources company.